Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Make a Cute Vintage Style Apron

I love aprons! I made my first apron just a couple months ago for a bridal shower. While I wouldn't call them fast projects, they are pretty easy to make. I made the apron in this post for my friend, Kathy and I'm pretty sure she loves it.

This isn't really a tutorial so much as a "walk through." I didn't take pictures while I was making the apron, but the pieces are not hard to put together.

Piece 1: The Top

The top is based on the Tea and Crumpets knock off apron pattern over at Sewing in No Man's Land (her post includes two aprons, scroll down until you see a white a teal apron called Tea and Crumpets). If you scroll about halfway down the page, she has links to download the pattern pieces via Google Docs and gives you great instructions with pictures about how to make the top.

I made the top from some khaki cotton. At the bottom of the top (where it would attach to the waist), I finished it with a piece of thin fabric that I double folded (think bias tape....without the bias).

Piece 2: The Waist Band

The waist band has three pieces. The front center piece is made in the print fabric with the khaki edging and then two side pieces that are from the khaki only. 

You can make edging for the front part using the technique Sewing in No Man's Land describes on her Tea and Crumpets post OR do what I did.

I cut the printed piece to be 4 inches wide and the khaki piece to be about 5 inches wide. I lined up the top edges, right sides together and sewed them together. Then I had to shift the fabric to line up the bottom edges with right sides together and sewed that down. When I flipped it right sides out, the khaki part is bigger, so when you look at the printed side, there is little khaki stripe along the top and the bottom.

Piece 3: The Skirt

The skirt was very simple: 1 rectangle of printed fabric (maybe 30 x 24?) and a rectangle of muslin that was the same size. I sewed them right sides together (with an opening) and then flipped it, pressed it and top stitched around the edges.


To put the pieces together, I center the top and skirt on the waist band then pinned them in place. Then, I top stitched the center part of the waist band, being sure to catch the other pieces as a cruised by. 

Are my pictures not making sense? Check out my video walk through to see if that helps:

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Make a Cute Vintage Style Apron

I love aprons! I made my first apron just a couple months ago for a bridal shower. While I wouldn't call them fast projects, they are pretty easy to make. I made the apron in this post for my friend, Kathy and I'm pretty sure she loves it.

This isn't really a tutorial so much as a "walk through." I didn't take pictures while I was making the apron, but the pieces are not hard to put together.

Piece 1: The Top

The top is based on the Tea and Crumpets knock off apron pattern over at Sewing in No Man's Land (her post includes two aprons, scroll down until you see a white a teal apron called Tea and Crumpets). If you scroll about halfway down the page, she has links to download the pattern pieces via Google Docs and gives you great instructions with pictures about how to make the top.

I made the top from some khaki cotton. At the bottom of the top (where it would attach to the waist), I finished it with a piece of thin fabric that I double folded (think bias tape....without the bias).

Piece 2: The Waist Band

The waist band has three pieces. The front center piece is made in the print fabric with the khaki edging and then two side pieces that are from the khaki only. 

You can make edging for the front part using the technique Sewing in No Man's Land describes on her Tea and Crumpets post OR do what I did.

I cut the printed piece to be 4 inches wide and the khaki piece to be about 5 inches wide. I lined up the top edges, right sides together and sewed them together. Then I had to shift the fabric to line up the bottom edges with right sides together and sewed that down. When I flipped it right sides out, the khaki part is bigger, so when you look at the printed side, there is little khaki stripe along the top and the bottom.

Piece 3: The Skirt

The skirt was very simple: 1 rectangle of printed fabric (maybe 30 x 24?) and a rectangle of muslin that was the same size. I sewed them right sides together (with an opening) and then flipped it, pressed it and top stitched around the edges.


To put the pieces together, I center the top and skirt on the waist band then pinned them in place. Then, I top stitched the center part of the waist band, being sure to catch the other pieces as a cruised by. 

Are my pictures not making sense? Check out my video walk through to see if that helps:

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